

世界上最深的湖是什么湖 双语阅读|世界上最深的湖有哪些?

关于世界上最深的湖是什么湖✅的问题,下面有几个最新世界上最深的湖是什么湖 百度网盘的观点,这里聚上美网站生活见闻小编希望能帮您找到想要的世界上最深的湖是什么湖答案,了解更多世界上最大 最深的湖是什么湖?的相关详细知识。
世界上最大 最深的湖是什么湖? 最深的湖 贝加尔湖是亚欧大陆最大的淡水湖,也是世界上最深的蓄水量最大的湖。它于1996年被列入世界遗产名录。它位于俄罗斯东西伯利亚南部。“贝加尔湖”,中国古代称“北海”,曾是中国古代北方民族主要的活动地区,汉代苏武牧羊即在此地。“贝加尔”一词源于布里亚特语,意为“天然之海”。 贝加尔湖湖型狭长弯曲,宛如一轮明月镶嵌在西伯利亚南缘。它长636千米,平均宽48千米,最宽79.4千米,面积31500平方千米,平均深度730千米,最深点1620千米,湖面海拨456米,总蓄水量23600立方千米,相当于北美洲五大湖蓄水量的总和,约占全球淡水湖总蓄水量的1/5,比整个波罗的海的水量还要多。假设贝加尔湖是世界上唯一的水源,其水量也够50亿人用半个世纪。 最大的湖 里海位于亚欧大陆腹部,亚洲与欧洲之间,东、北、西三面湖岸分属土库曼斯坦共和国、哈萨克斯坦共和国、俄罗斯联邦共和国和阿塞拜疆共和国,南岸在伊朗境内,是世界上最大的湖泊,也是世界上最大的咸水湖,属海迹湖。里海的南面和西南面被厄尔布尔士山脉和高加索山脉所环抱,其他几面是低平的平原和低地。里海南北狭长,形状略似“S”型,南北长约1200公里,是世界最长及唯一长度在千公里以上的湖泊。东西平均宽约320公里,湖岸线长约7000公里,面积371000平方公里,大小几乎与波罗的海相当,规模为亚速海的10倍,相当全世界湖泊总面积(270万平方公里)的14%,比著名的北美五大湖面积总和(24.5万平方公里)还大出51%。湖水总容积为76000立方公里。


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Lake Baikal in Siberia is the deepest lake in the world, at 5,387 feet (1,642 meters) deep.


A lake is a body of water like a puddle — water accumulates in a low place in the landscape, either from groundwater coming to the surface, or runoff from rivers and streams settling in a depression where water builds up faster than it can escape. Many lakes are actually reservoirs, which look the same as a natural lake, but the water is held in place by a human-made dam.


Most lakes on Earth contain freshwater, but there are some saline lakes like the Great Salt Lake in Utah, which is actually saltier than any ocean. Some lakes are very shallow like Lake Pontchartrain in Louisiana, which has a maximum depth of only 15 feet (4.6 meters). Some lakes, however, are seemingly fathomless — Lake Baikal in Siberia, for instance, is over a mile deep. Here, then, is the deepest lake in the world:


Contents 目录

Lake Baikal, Siberia 西伯利亚的贝加尔湖Lake Tanganyika, Africa 非洲的坦噶尼喀湖Caspian Sea, Europe/Asia 里海,欧洲/亚洲Lake Vostok, Antarctica 南极洲的沃斯托克湖San Martín Lake, South America 南非的圣马丁湖Lake Nyasa, Africa 非洲的尼亚萨湖Lake Ysyk, Asia 亚洲的Ysyk湖Great Slave Lake, Canada 大奴隶湖,加拿大Crater Lake, U.S. 火山口湖,美国

1. Lake Baikal, Siberia

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Lake Baikal is the only home of the nerpa, or Lake Baikal seal, the only freshwater seal in the world.


Lake Baikal is a natural lake situated in southern Siberia in the most seismically active continental rift in the world. Not only is Lake Baikal the deepest lake in the world, clocking in at 5,387 feet (1,642 meters) deep, it's also the world's oldest lake, and its largest lake by volume of water.


Lake Baikal is around 25 million years old and roughly the size of Belgium. This incredible body of water earned the distinction of being a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the fact that it contains a full 20 percent of the world's unfrozen fresh water and is home to around 3,700 animal and plant species, 80 percent of which live nowhere else in the world. For instance, the nerpa (Pusa sibirica), found only in Lake Baikal, is the only freshwater seal in the world.

贝加尔湖大约有2500万年的历史,大致相当于比利时的面积。这片令人难以置信的水域获得了联合国教科文组织世界遗产的殊荣,因为它包含了世界上20%的未冻结淡水,是大约3700种动植物的家园,其中80%在世界上其他地方都没有。例如,只在贝加尔湖发现的nerpa (Pusa sibirica)是世界上唯一的淡水海豹。

2. Lake Tanganyika, Africa 非洲的坦噶尼喀湖

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The sun sets over Lake Tanganyika in west-central Tanzania, Eastern Africa.


In the Great Rift Valley of central Africa, on the borders shared by Zambia, Burundi, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo sits Lake Tanganyika, the second deepest lake in the world. Lake Tanganyika is 4,710 feet (1,470 meters) deep and very old, which means the plants and animals have had time to become specialized to its unique ecosystem. Lake Tanganyika is home to over 2,000 species of flora and fauna, including many tropical fish, and over half of them live nowhere else in the world.


Over a million people live around Lake Tanganyika, and a lot of the protein consumed by this population comes from fish. However, commercial fishing practices started in the 1950s have depleted the lake's fish population.


3. Caspian Sea, Europe/Asia 里海,欧洲/亚洲

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The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world, and at 3,360 feet (1,025 meters) deep, it's third deepest lake on Earth. On its northern end, on what's called the Caspian Shelf, it is actually very shallow, averaging around 16 to 20 feet (5 to 6 meters).


The reason the Caspian Sea is a saltwater lake, and its waters are so briny is because it has no outlet, so any minerals that have found their way into the basin over the past 5.5 million years have become stranded there.


Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan all share coastlines of the Caspian Sea, and the Volga River provides 80 percent of its water. The Caspian Sea is rich in oil and gas, and fossil fuel platforms are a common sight from its shores.


4. Lake Vostok, Antarctica 南极洲的沃斯托克湖

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Antarctica's Lake Vostok is a bit of an outlier in a list of deepest lakes in that it is not only the fourth deepest lake in the world at 2,950 feet (900 meters) deep, it's buried under 2.2 miles (3.5 km) of ice. This subglacial lake was discovered in 1996 using radar technology, and although it's covered in ice and snow year-round, it contains liquid water.


Lake Vostok has no outlet but is fed by meltwater off Antarctica's glaciers. And although sunlight never reaches it, it seems to have more than a few inhabitants — mostly bacteria and archaea.


5. San Martín Lake, South America 圣马丁湖,南美洲

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In a remote part of the Patagonian Andes, on the border between Chile and Argentina, sits the fifth deepest lake in the world, called Lago O'Higgins by Chileans and San Martín Lake by Argentineans. Fed by the O'Higgins and Chico Glaciers, this 2,742-foot-deep (836-meter-deep) lake is shaped like an octopus with eight arms, and has beautiful turquoise waters, made milky by glacial rock flour.

在巴塔哥尼亚安第斯山脉的一个偏远地区,智利和阿根廷之间的边界,坐落着世界上第五深的湖,智利人称它为Lago O'Higgins,阿根廷人称它为San Martín湖。这个湖由奥希金斯冰川和奇科冰川注入,深2742英尺(836米),形状像八条手臂的章鱼,有美丽的蓝绿色湖水,由冰川岩石粉制成。

6. Lake Nyasa, Africa 非洲的尼亚萨湖

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People in landlocked Malawi rely on Lake Nyasa, in Mozambique, for water, transport, recreation, electricity, irrigation and, most importantly, fish.


On the border between Mozambique, Tanzania and Malawi sits Lake Nyasa, the sixth deepest lake in the world. At 2,316 feet (706 meters) deep, Lake Nyasa — also called Lake Malawi — is unique in that its water layers don't mix. The lake has extremely high biodiversity — it's home to a full 15 percent of freshwater fish species on the planet — and many of the species are obligated to stay in certain areas of the lake due to their requirements for temperature, chemical composition and dissolved oxygen.


7. Lake Ysyk, Asia 亚洲的Ysyk湖

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In the mountains of northeastern Kyrgyzstan sits Lake Ysyk, one of the largest high-mountain lakes in the world, and the seventh deepest at 2,192 feet (668 meters) deep. The local name for the lake is Ysyk-köl, or "Hot Lake" because it never freezes over, despite winter temperatures regularly plummeting to minus 15 degrees F (minus 26 degrees C). This is because Lake Ysyk's salinity is high — too high to drink or irrigate crops, but reportedly not too salty to refresh livestock.


Lake Ysyk is probably around 25 million years old, but also shares a lot of history with humans, despite its remote location. It was a stop along the Silk Road in medieval times, and the remnants of ancient settlements can be seen through the waters at the northeast end of the lake.


8. Great Slave Lake, Canada 大斯雷夫湖,加拿大

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The deepest lake in North America is Canada's Great Slave Lake, clocking in at 2,015 feet (614 meters) deep. Located in the Northwest Territories near Alberta, Great Slave Lake got its name from the Indigenous people who were enslaved by fur trappers in villages around the lake in the mid-18th century.


The area around the lake is sparsely populated because the climate is so harsh. The ice on the lake is so thick during winter months that a temporary ice road is set up for cars and trucks to drive over Great Slave Lake as a shortcut between settlements.


9. Crater Lake, U.S. 火山口湖,美国

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This aerial view shows Crater Lake, the caldera of an ancient volcano, in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon.


Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States. At 1,943 feet (592 meters) deep, it's also the only lake on this list formed by the eruption of a volcano. Located in southern Oregon, Crater Lake is almost a perfect ring of water that has formed 7,700 years ago when a giant volcano called Mount Mazama erupted, and the top caved in, forming a caldera, a hole in the top of a mountain that forms after a volcanic eruption.


Crater Lake has no input or output — the waters are crystal clear and blue because it's fed entirely by rainwater. The only water leaving Crater Lake does so through evaporation.


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