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Ryan Kim, a Korean working in Shuangliu, Chengdu, has a very \"international\" family. His wife is a Chinese girl, while his younger sister married an American. Ryan is not the only person in his family that has connections to China. His parents once came to visit China in 1988, and his sister visited Chengdu in 1999. Now, after spending 14 years living here, he has become a \"Local Laowai\" and a bridge between China and foreign countries.


Today, I am going to tell you a story about Ryan Kim’s life in Chengdu.

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金命勋,英文名Ryan Kim,“成都女婿”,先后居蓉14年。2004年在四川大学中文系学习,曾任职于韩国贸易馆(成都),现为成都双流创新创业企业服务有限公司国际合作部的商务总监。

Ryan Kim is a Korean married to a Chengdu girl and has lived in this city for 14 years. He studied Chinese at Sichuan University in 2004 and has worked for Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (Chengdu). He now serves as the Business Director of the International Cooperation Department at Chengdu Shuangliu Innovation & Pioneering Enterprise Services Co. Ltd.


Ryan's Journey


Because of Ryan's father's work for an international company, his whole family has lived in different countries and regions. Ryan went to a primary school in Indonesia for two years, received his high school education in Singapore, and received his bachelor's degree in Chinese at Sichuan University. Due to his background, Ryan said that like most Korean men, he is chauvinistic and dutifully family-oriented. On the other hand, through his colorful life experiences, he is international and open-minded.


Ryan said, \"When I first came here, Sichuan peppers were the only thing that bothered me. However, I fell in love with Sichuan cuisine very quickly.\" He describes himself as a courageous man who is independently strong, with the ability to quickly adapt to different cultures. When he was a newcomer in Chengdu, he and his friends used to approach strangers and speak to them on campus. They would always begin with lines like: \"Hello, I am from Korea, and I want to make some Chinese friends.\" While mentioning this, Ryan laughed self-consciously and said, \"It was a kind of pick-up. People in the past preferred to do things more directly, people are a lot more reserved now.\" He met his wife through mutual friends. Though he didn't use the same \"tactics\", he did take the initiative to ask her for her number. Now he is the father of a 2-year-old baby. He returns to South Korea once or twice a year, but his center of life remains in Chengdu.

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成都ifs 图据成都发布王欢


When asked if he has felt lonely in Chengdu over the years, Ryan said, \"I love Chengdu, because the most significant experiences and memories of my life happened here.\" He left South Korea when he was young, so he does not have many friends there. He had lost contact with friends he met when he lived with his family in other countries due to the lack of communications technology back then. He smilingly stated, \"most of my friends are actually in Chengdu. In Chinese society, people value 'guan xi' (a Chinese term meaning relationships or connections), and I have a lot here.\" He is also very concerned about the health and well-being of his parents.


The Great Changes of Chengdu


When talking about the Chengdu of 14 years ago, Ryan said, \"Places outside the 2nd Ring Road were all rural countryside\". There were no Starbucks, only a coffee shop brand called \"Good Wood Coffee.\" If you felt hungry and wanted to find something to eat late in the night, BBQ was your only choice. There were no 24-hour convenience stores. Once Ryan was upset and complained, \"the store is closed.\" His friend replied, \"It's OK. Just go and knock. The shopkeeper will open the door for you.\" Embarrassed, Ryan went to knock at the door and was surprised when the drowsy shopkeeper actually opened for him. That night, he fully experienced the warmth of the people of this city.

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成都二环高架爬山虎 图据成都发布周勇良


\"My parents visited Shenzhen and Harbin in 1988 and 1989. When they visited Chengdu a few years ago, they were surprised by the huge changes China had undergone. In terms of transport, there is the 2nd Ring Road viaduct, subways and shared bikes in Chengdu.\" Ryan lives in the east of Chengdu and drives over half an hour to Shuangliu for work. After hearing the news that \"Chengdu will shift the city center toward the south,\" Ryan has his own opinion, \"A city's development does not simply rely on a single area. When the south begins to blossom, places around it will also thrive. For example, Longquanyi District in the east is also developing. The whole city is growing, and no place will be left behind.\"


Build a Bridge Between China

and Foreign Countries


Two and a half years ago, Ryan began to serve as the Business Director at a state-owned company affiliated with the Shuangliu Investment Promotion Bureau, committed to introducing overseas projects, enterprises, and talent to Shuangliu District. \"We mainly serve as a bridge for investment and cooperation between China and foreign countries.\" He joked, \"In simple terms, I am called 'intermediary'.\"


\"Most people from other countries value efficiency and prefer to do things in a swift manner. They come to Chengdu for development and thus want us to provide them with efficient service, active policies, and data. Foreign investors pay much attention to the advantages of Shuangliu District such as aviation logistics, energy resources and the Sichuan (Chengdu) Free Trade Zone established In April, 2017.\" When asked about his own strengths, Ryan said frankly, \"As a foreigner, when talking to other foreigners about China, we feel like we have a lot in common.\"


In addition to promoting international exchange, Ryan also helps avoid misunderstandings and prejudice between China and other countries. He said, \"I care about everything I do and try to be a model citizen. I know people will judge South Korea by my actions. Meanwhile, I work for the Chinese government and foreign investors will see me as a window for them to learn more about China.\"


Editor's Pick

摘自《HELLO Chengdu》杂志

Excerpted from HELLO Chengdu magazine

撰稿| 刘昕怡

By Lenore Liu

编辑| 俊娴

Edited by Junxian

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