

复活节岛石像英文 复活节岛石像英文介绍

复活岛巨人像中英文简介 复活节岛(Easter Island) 当地称“拉帕努伊岛”,意即“石像的故乡”。太平洋东南部岛屿。位于南纬27°10'、西经109°31'。由复活节岛和周围一些小岛组成,陆地面积120平方公里。人口约 2,000,主要是波利尼西亚人。属热带海洋性气候。火山岛,土壤肥沃。自 1888年起归智利管辖,行政属智利瓦尔帕莱索省。产甘蔗、香蕉、玉米等,并产鱼、虾。经济主要是畜牧业和旅游业。岛上有巨大石像等文物古迹,被称作“神秘之岛”。首府杭加罗阿,在岛的西南部,附近有飞机场。建有美国卫星跟踪和气象观察站。Easter Island (Easter Island) locally called "Rapa Nui", which means "the hometown of stone". The Southeast Pacific islands. Located in the south of latitude 27 degrees west longitude 109 degrees 31', 10'. Composed of Easter Island and around some islands, land area of 120 square kilometers. A population of about 2000, mainly polynesians. Genus of tropical marine climate. A volcanic island, fertile soil. Since 1888 to Chile under the jurisdiction of administrative belongs to Chile in Valparaiso province. Production of sugar cane, banana, corn, and fish and shrimp. Economy is mainly animal husbandry and tourism. There is a huge stone heritage on the island, known as the "mysterious island". The capital of Hangzhou Garro ah, in the island's southwest, near the airport. Built with American satellite tracking and meteorological observation station.
复活节岛的雕像 复活节岛石像英文 复活节岛石像英文介绍(图1)

Why Some Easter Island Statues Are Where They Are


The statues on Easter Island are among the most mysterious objects made by humans. We still don’t know how they were moved, why they were placed at particular sites around the island and why they were made in the first place. Now researchers think they have at least some answers, because a new analysis finds that the statues are situated near sources of freshwater. The study appears in the journal PLOS ONE.


It’s believed that the residents of Rapa Nui—the Indigenous name for Easter Island—began constructing these carvings in the 13th century. The statues, called moai, which sit upon stone platforms called ahu, are the very definition of monumental. Most weigh between 20 and 30 tons. And of the 1,000 on the island, about 400 have been moved from the quarry where they originated and placed on ahu located elsewhere.

据说Rapa Nui的居民——复活节岛的本土名字,它们在13世纪开始建造这些雕刻品。这些雕像被称作“摩艾“,它们坐落在叫做”胡“的石头平台上,是纪念碑真正的意义。大部分重量在20到30吨之间。在岛上的1000只中,400只已经从最初的采石场转移到胡岛的其他地方。

“But those ahu locations aren’t necessarily everywhere. They’re in some places and not in others. And the question we started to ask ourselves was, ‘Why do we find these ahu and moai some places on the landscape but not others?’”


Carl Lipo, an anthropologist at Binghamton University in central New York. He says that most of these sculptures are found along the coast, but some are inland. And they’re not necessarily at obvious places.

Carl Lipo是纽约中心宾厄姆顿大学的人类学家。他说大部分的雕像都在沿海被发现,有一些是在岛内陆被发现。它们不一定是坐落与某些特定的地方。

“For example, we don’t find ahu and statues located on the tops of hills—places that we might expect to find them if these things were symbolic or representing ancestors, where you wanted to show off to everybody in he world, or the island itself, the fruits of your creation of these statues.”


So the statues are more than just towering talismans to be admired from afar. Indeed, Lipo and his colleagues noted that people spent most of their time living and working around these sites, which made the researchers think that the the statues might be located near a valuable resource.


“So the question was: What resource? Was it water, freshwater, marine resources or cultivation places? Which of those, or which combination of those, best explained the locations of ahu on the landscape?”


Their statistical analyses pointed toward potable water, which Lipo says made sense.


“Every single time we found a big source of freshwater, there would be a statue and an ahu. And we saw this over and over and over again. And places where we didn’t find freshwater, we didn’t find statues and ahu.”


Now, that doesn’t mean that the structures served as markers—like a sign saying “Get Your Water Here”—but rather that the community themselves were connected to those resources. And thus, their investment in statues was done around that resource.


“Because these are the locations that had the resources that they needed to survive.”


It seems that many of the massive sculptures are where they are for totally pragmatic reasons: “We’ll build here because here is where we want to be.”



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