迈克杰克逊的经典歌曲 1,《Dont stop til you get enough》.理由:这是MJ成年后的第一张专辑中的登上冠军宝座的歌曲,假声很好听。2,Thriller,这个就不用说了,好像《Thriller》这张专辑就是以这首歌和《billie jean》,《beat it》。3,《billie jean》,理由:MJ最杰出,最喜爱的作品,几乎每一场演唱会中都有《billie jean》的表演。而且连续保持了88周的冠军宝座!!4,《beat it》,这个理由也很明显,收录在中,它打破了《billie jean》的冠军。而且你可以问那些听过这首歌的人,有几个听厌了这首歌的?可以说是百听不厌。从1982年到今天,《beat it》这首歌依然很受欢迎,至今在欧美排行榜的200名之内!!!5,《black or white》,MJ为反种族歧视而写的歌,一首非常好听的流行歌,视频也非常棒!6,dangerous,理由:MJ最经典的舞曲之一,虽然歌词太单调,时间太长,但是气势宏伟,我听这歌时,感觉好像他就在我面前跳舞!!7,《Smooth Crimina》理由同上,也是他最经典的舞曲,而且MV可以说是除《Thriller》的MV之外最棒的MV了。8,《heal the world》,理由楼上已经说了,我就不重复了。9,很好听,虽然MJ好像只在这歌里唱了一句话,但是MJ只花了两小时就写好了,(并不是说这首歌是急急忙忙赶着写的)。10,《you are not alone》,这个也是九十年代的经典歌,至今仍在欧美排行榜200名以内。10,《Hold my hand》这是至今我听到的MJ最新的歌,但我不那种爱新鲜的人,这首歌真的很好听,柔和的旋律加上MJ和Akon的歌声,难道不是一种享受吗?我给你正好推荐了十首,这是我个人觉得的十首最好听的,但并不代表MJ别的歌不好,只是我觉得这些歌在MJ其它歌中更好听。其实听歌并不在于你听的是多受欢迎的歌,只是你觉得这些歌适合你就行了,不必要去追究这首歌影响力有多大。昨天,他走了,愿他在天堂过得快乐
Yesterday,Today,and Forever。
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene。
I said,Don't mind。
but what do you mean I am the one。
Gonna dance on the floor。
She said I am the one。
She told me her name was Billie Jean。
as she caused a scene。
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one。
Gonna dance on the floor。
People always told me be careful what you do。
Don't go around breaking young girls'hearts。
And Mother always told me be careful who you love。
Be careful:what you do。
Cause the lie becomes the truth。
Billie Jean is not my lover。
She's just a girl。
who claims that I am the one。
But the kid is not my son。
She says I am the one。
But the kid is not my son。
For 40 days and for 40 nights。
the law was on her side。
But who can stand when she's in demand。
Her schemes and plans。
Gonna dance on the floor。
So take my strong advice。
Just remember to always think twice。
Do think twice。
She told my baby there's just three。
as she looked at me。
Then showed a photo of my baby crying。
His eyes were like mine。
Gonna dance on the floor。
in the round,baby。
People always told me be careful what you do。
Don't go around breaking young girls'hearts。
But she came and stood right by me。
Just to smell her sweet perfume。
This happened much too soon。
She called me to her room。
Billie Jean's not my lover。
She's just a girl。
who claims that I am the one。
But the kid is not my son。
Billie Jean's not my lover。
She's just a girl。
who claims that I am the one。
But the kid is not my son。
She says I am the one。
She says I am the one。
But the kid is not my son。
Billie Jean is not my lover。
She's just a girl。
who claims that I am the one。
Yes,you did,baby。
The kid is not my son。
She says I am the one。
The kid is not my-son。
She says I am the one。
You know she did。
Breaking my:heart,baby。
Billie Jean is not my lover。
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