

accorded翻译 accords翻译

帮我翻译一下,十分感激 亲爱的部长, 我正写这封信感谢你们你热情的殷勤款待在对你的美丽的国家的我们的新近的访问期间给予我和我的代表团。 我还想要与我感谢你的有趣的讨论,我已经发现非常信息丰富和有用。 在整个访问期间,我的代表团和在与中国合作上被你的商务代表表示的热情淹没了我。 我真诚希望我们能象这样的有更多的交换, 当我们能继续关于扩大我们的双边的经贸关系并且把我们的生意人集合在一起的可能的方法的我们的有趣的讨论时。 我正对你的尽快访问地期待中国,到那时我能偿还一些 殷勤款待中,我在你的值得纪念的停留期间到美丽的国家。 忠实你的,XX
读书笔记1:有关合营企业设立的法律翻译 accorded翻译 accords翻译(图1)



《中外合资经营企业法》: Law on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部:Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People's Republic of China审批机构:The examination and approval authority直辖市:Municipality directly under the Central Government国家指导外商投资方向的规定:Provisions of the State in the Regulations on Foreign Investment Guidelines有限责任公司:Limited liability company


授权(政府部门等):delegate修改(合同等法律文件):不宜用revise,应用amend或modify备案:for the record授权代表:duly authorized representative本合同标的:Subject matter hereof遵守(法律法规规则规定): comply with实施细则:Implementation rules执行:carry out/execute/implement/decide落实:decide on/ascertain/make sure/fix责任:responsibility/duty(份内应做的事),liability(法律责任)国家建设:national construction,城乡建设:Urban and rural development,组织建设:Organizational building,作风建设:Cultivation of a fine work style,思想建设:ideological educationsubmit: 报送


必须经......审查批准:must be approved by... 是不妥当的,应采用shall be subject to the examination and approval by...更符合原意。同等效力:have the same force/ equal effect 都是不可取的,地道专业的英文表达应该是:equally authentic向...办理登记手续:不能用handle,应用Go through the registration procedures或undergo the registration formalities with...(不能用at/in)设立合营企业的行业:Industries in which the establishment of joint ventures除各方另有约定外:Unless otherwise agreed by the parties 或 Except as otherwise agreed by the parties以其所有资产对外承担责任:Liable to the full extent of all its assets以其认缴的注册资本的出资额为限承担责任:Liable to the extent of its contribution to the registered capital 或Liability of XXX is limited to the amount it has contributed to the registered capital 或Liability of XXX is limited to the amount of capital contribution subscribed by it 不负超出其认缴的出资额的任何责任:Not liable for any contribution in excess of the amount it has subscribed不负任何连带责任:No joint and several liability给予的优惠待遇: Preferential treatment accorded by...


根据《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》及中国其他有关法律、法规,XXX公司(以下简称甲方)与 XXX公司(以下简称乙方)本着平等互利的原则,经友好协商,同意在XX(地点)共同成立一家合资经营公司,特签订本合资经营合同。

In accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations, XXX company (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and XXX company (hereinafter referred to as Party B), adhering to the principles of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to jointly establish an equity joint venture company in XX(地点), and hereby enter into this Equity Joint Venture Contract.

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