

全世界最贵的黄金车 世界最贵的黄金车多少钱


你见过世界上最贵的黄金车吗? 全世界最贵的黄金车 世界最贵的黄金车多少钱(图1)

黄金跑车(价格:20.3亿元)传闻为阿拉伯一富豪2亿8千万欧元打造出来的世界最强最贵的车。基本不上路,因为平均每跑100公里将磨损掉近50克黄金。 全世界仅一辆。实为天降奇兵道具车,看着之所以是金黄色也只是灯光问题而已。



1、价格最高的 因为只有一辆




Have you ever seen the most expensive car in the world?

The gold sports car (price: 2.03 billion yuan) is rumored to be the world's strongest and most expensive car built by an Arab billionaire for 280 million euros. Basically not on the road, because the average 100 km will wear away nearly 50 grams of gold. There's only one in the world. In fact, it is a parachute vehicle, looking at the reason why it is golden yellow is just a light problem.

The gold sports car is currently the most expensive car in the world. The car is made of gold and has an eight-cylinder engine with 1,000 horsepower and a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour. However, the car is said to be largely off the road, as it will wear away nearly 50 grams of gold every 100 kilometers.

Make reason

1. The one with the highest price because it only has one

2. All handmade engine and hull are aeronautical materials

3. But this car is handmade and gold-plated. It's a great car to run on. So the car is usually off the road. Depreciate on the road!

The price of the car is going up


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