

laden laden是哪个国家的

拉登是什么意思 楼主所说的拉登应该就是本·拉登那个拉登哈!拉登在英文里面是Laden,这个词的意思是“负担重的、苦恼的”。

Word of the Day: May 10, 2023



adjective /LAY-dun/ [ˈleɪd(ə)n]

What It Means

Laden describes things that are heavily loaded with something, literally or figuratively.

Laden 用于形容装载了很多东西的物品。

LADEN in Context

"While dating sites and apps can be convenient ways to meet a special someone, many singles find that the road to love is often laden with potholes and pitfalls." — Charanna Alexander, The New York Times, 14 Feb. 2020


Airline passengers laden with luggage inched slowly through the gate.


His voice was heavily laden with sarcasm.


Did You Know?

Something that is laden seems to be, or actually is, weighed down by the large amount of whatever it’s carrying: tree branches laden with fruit bend toward the ground; newspaper articles laden with technical jargon are hard to read; and sugar-laden cereal is very, very sweet. Laden has been used as an adjective to describe heavily loaded things for a millennium, but its source is an even older verb: lade, meaning primarily "to load something." Lade today mostly occurs in contexts relating to shipping; its related noun lading may be familiar from the phrase bill of lading, which refers to a document listing goods to be shipped and the terms of their transport. Laden is itself sometimes used as a verb meaning "to load something" (as in "ladening the truck with equipment"), and an adjectival form of that word sometimes appears too, as in "a truck ladened with equipment." Plain old laden is preferred in such cases though: "a truck laden with equipment."

Laden 似乎(或者实际上)会被大量承载的物品压得喘不过气来:向下弯曲的满载果实的树枝; 充满技术术语难以阅读的报纸文章; 非常非常甜的麦片。 千百年来,Laden 一直作为形容词来描述重载的东西,但它来源于一个更古老的动词:lade,主要意思是“to load something「加载某些物品」”。 今天,lade 主要与航运有关的情况下出现; 与其相关的名词 lading ,可能再熟悉不过的 lading 短语,这是指的是列出装运的货物清单及其运输条款的文件。 Laden 本身有时也作动词,意思是“to load something「装载某物」”(如“ladening the truck with equipment「使用工具装货」”),有时也会作形容词,如“a truck ladened with equipment「一辆装载设备的卡车」”。 不过这种情况下,一般会用:“a truck laden with equipent。”表示。

Test Your Vocabulary

Unscramble the letters to reveal a word that means "to send (goods) from one place to another" or "to load or burden (something)": THRIFGE.



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