

just a friend just a friend中文怎么读

关于just a friend✅的问题,下面有几个最新just a friend中文怎么读的观点,这里聚上美网站生活见闻小编希望能帮您找到想要的just a friend答案,了解更多JuSt a FrieNd.是什么意思?的相关详细知识。
相关just a friend的扩展:
JuSt a FrieNd.是什么意思? 如果从字面翻译是“仅是朋友而已”,但翻译往往要以语言环境而定,所以要根据上下文翻译语言更为准确。

Q:What do you do when you are with your friends?

A:Since I am a student living in a dormitory at school, I spend most of my time with my friends. My closest friend and I have a mutual interest in that we always have a thirst for reading books. So whenever we have time, we will talk about different books together. Sometimes when we have different ideas about a book, we will think more about it from other perspectives to open our minds.


dormitory 宿舍,可简称 dorm

mutual interest 共同的兴趣

perspective 观点

from my perspective 就我而言

open one's mind 拓宽眼界



personality 性格

extrovert 外向的

introvert 内向的

sincere 真诚的

lend a helping hand to your friend 向朋友伸出援助之手

spend the innocent age together 一起度过纯真的时光

My best friend has certain qualities such as… 我最好的朋友有某些特质,比如……

We've known each other for more than…years. 我们认识对方已经超过……年了。

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情

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