喀嚓鱼怎么样 喀嚓鱼在国外叫Snapfish而属于惠普公司。 喀嚓鱼是世界网上冲印服务领导者, 已经有四千万用户而且保存30亿照片。喀嚓鱼提供专业冲印照片服务,网上分享照片服务,无限照片保存空间,及一系列个性化照片礼品。在亚太区,喀嚓鱼在5个国家运营:新加坡,印度,澳大利亚,新西兰及中国。在欧洲喀嚓鱼在11个国家运营喀嚓鱼中国总公司在北京。喀嚓鱼是惠普旗下的公司。我们非常重视您的隐私保护问题。本“保密声明”旨在详细介绍喀嚓鱼将如何使用客户的身份识别信息,例如姓名、地址或电子邮件(“客户信息”)。在处理隐私方面的问题时,“喀嚓鱼”指惠普公司以及惠普公司资产或业务的所有继承者。我们收集这些信息的主要目的,是用于向您提供与众不同的喀嚓鱼服务体验。除“保密声明”中特别说明的情况之外,“喀嚓鱼”不会将此类“客户信息”出售、出租给第三方或与第三方共享。如果您对本声明有任何疑问或意见,请先联系我们的客户服务部门,邮件地址为 support@kachayu.com。本“保密声明”自 2007 年 9 月 15 日开始生效。使用我们的服务,即表示您同意我们通过下述方式收集、使用和披露信息。如果保密措施发生变更,我们会将变更的内容张贴在此页面上,以便您能够随时了解我们收集哪些信息、如何使用这些信息以及在什么情况下会披露这些信息。我们对声明所作的修改仅适用于修改之后的情况。因此,请时常访问此页面查看修改内容,确保了解我们最新的保密措施。在本“保密声明”中,您可以找到以下问题的答案:喀嚓鱼会收集哪些客户信息?喀嚓鱼如何使用客户信息?喀嚓鱼会与谁共享客户信息?谁可以查看您在线张贴的照片?喀嚓鱼会使用“IP 地址”和 Cookie 吗?有哪些防护和安全措施可以防止您的信息丢失、被盗用或遭篡改?如何更新或修改客户信息?其它保密信息喀嚓鱼会收集哪些客户信息?要求提供的“客户信息”类型根据您所使用的服务类型的不同而有所不同。例如:如果您要上传数码图片或在网站中查看其他人的图片,则您需要提供姓名、电子邮件地址和密码。如果您要与其他人(“受邀者”)分享照片,则需要提供电子邮件地址。仅在有充分的理由相信照片上的人同意分享照片时,您才可以分享该照片。另外,仅在获得“受邀者”的同意或者您与“受邀者”关系足够密切,“受邀者”会同意接收电子邮件联系的情况下,您才可以提供“受邀者”的电子邮件地址。从喀嚓鱼购买产品时,您需要提供配送信息,以便我们更好地满足您的要求。
外刊阅读 Down To Business: Good Life Sorted
关心老年人健康,关注老年人生活不仅是政府行为,社会参与养老也将是未来的一个趋势,探讨更多的养老助老方式,促进社会和谐、老有所养。本文介绍《读者文摘》采访英国南部一个帮助老年人日常生活的组织Good life sorted的文章,为社会养老开一扇窗子。
From Readers' Digest 7TH AUG 2023
Reader's Digest spoke to Verity Batchelder, founder of Good Life Sorted, about her inspirations and how her business helps to combat loneliness
Good Life Sorted is a technology enabled platform connecting elderly people with vetted, local Helpers, who offer home help services for a fee. Our Mission is to make the home of every older person a happy place to be, one person at a time.
RD: How did Good Life Sorted get started, and how would you best summarise what you offer?
Good Life Sorted was inspired by the grandmother of my co-founder, Constantine Karampatsos. She lived in her own home in Greece well into her late nineties, thanks to a neighbour, Mary, who popped in regularly to keep her company and help with a few chores.
We realised we could use our tech expertise to build a business that provides these services right across the country.
Our platform connects elderly or vulnerable people with registered Helpers in their area, who we have interviewed, vetted and insured. They then choose their own hours and fees to provide regular companionship and support
Good Life Sorted灵感来自于我的共同创始人康斯坦丁·卡拉姆帕索斯的祖母。她在希腊的家中一直住到90多岁,多亏了一位邻居玛丽定期来陪她,并帮她做些家务。
RD: How did your previous experience set you up for what you do now
I’ve had more than 20 years of international marketing and operations experience in senior leadership roles at digital businesses. I used to work at Amazon—it’s where Constantine and I met—and I’ve also worked for Yahoo.
When I worked at Amazon, I saw how it made shopping so much easier on a global scale and it made me interested in how tech could make other things easier, and have a positive social impact.
I also worked for start-ups, so I’m used to leading fast-growing companies operating in the tech sphere.
Verity Batchelder founded Good Life Sorted to help connect older people with "Helpers" who can assist them at home
RD: How does your work complement your personality? What are the core values that drive you?
Our values are empowerment, reassurance and respect—each Helper offers a bespoke approach to their customers’ needs.
I’m passionate about empowering people to be the best at what they do, or to have the best experiences, and at work this is reflected in the way we operate within our core team and also with our Helpers.
We empower customers to remain independent in their own homes and make their own decisions, while enabling Helpers to run their own businesses and do something worthwhile for their community.
That empowerment really does impact on wellbeing. In fact, 98 per cent of our customers report improved wellbeing since having a Good Life Sorted Helper.
这种赋权确实会影响幸福感。事实上,98%的顾客都表示,自从有了一个Good Life Sortedb帮助者后,他们的幸福感有所提高。
RD: What does a typical workday look like for you?
It depends on whether I’m working from home or in the office. If I’m in the office, the day is all about moving things forward with others. I go in two or three times a week and use that time to catch up on projects, brainstorming, collaborating, setting goals and reviewing results.
When I’m working at home, it’s all about the long-term planning and analysis and taking time to think about company direction and growth.
RD: How did the pandemic affect and inform your business?
It led to the older generation becoming even more isolated—more than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone.
However, the pandemic also helped to raise awareness about the issue of isolation amongst older people and inspired a new community of people who wanted to help, and then enjoyed helping so much, they continued to do so once lockdowns ended.
It showed us how kind people are and resulted in a raft of new Helpers joining the business
RD: What are your favourite and least favourite parts of your job?
Engaging with lovely, kind people, who are all passionate about making connections and genuinely improving lives.
By working with people in different areas outside cities, I’ve been able to see things from all sorts of perspectives. I love the sense of community in smaller towns and rural areas—that’s what we are trying to replicate: a community of Helpers, just brought together through technology.
I’m also fascinated by data and insights, how we can use these to solve human problems by developing our own tech platform, as well as expanding into new areas to support more people.
My least favourite part is that there aren’t enough hours in the day! I always feel a bit stressed, but I imagine that’s familiar to anyone growing a new business.
Good Life Sorted reduces isolation for older people who live on their own
RD: Could you share a story about a particular friendship that was established thanks to the platform?
There are so many! They all have such wonderful stories, from 100 year old Ron, who has become firm friends with Lyndon, the photographer we matched him with. They both love music, and spend hours at the piano together.
Also Nicky and Brenda—Nicky pops in to see Brenda regularly and thinks she looks like the late queen, they have quite the laugh.
Also Karen. She visits Wendy daily and they have some great adventures. Wendy has Alzheimer's and they have been fundraising for charity from their activities together.
RD: What has been the most valuable business lesson you’ve learnt so far? And your most tangible achievement?
My most tangible achievement was when I launched online photo company Snapfish in Australia and New Zealand—I grew it to over £10 million revenue within three years. I was incredibly proud of what we delivered there.
The most valuable business lesson for me has been realising the importance of just being honest, and always making decisions based on what is best for the business.
Being honest with yourself, the team and the investors, and doing what is right for the business growth, which involves building the brand, hiring the best team and following the company mission, all of which will lead to financial success.
我最切实的成就是 在澳大利亚和新西兰创办了在线照片公司Snapfish——我在三年内将其收入增长到超过1000万英镑。我为我们在那里交付的东西感到无比自豪。
RD: How do you think the UK's ageing population will affect the business and will there be a bigger need for more service providers such as yourself?
We’ve just marked the 75th anniversary of the NHS and we can all see the ways in which it is struggling—when it was created, the average life expectancy was much younger than it is now.
Current stats show that one in four babies born now will live to 100. This is fantastic but it means we have to consider different illnesses and social requirements, intervening in different ways.
There are 1.4 million elderly people in the UK who describe themselves as often lonely, according to Age UK, and although technology is being used to improve our lives in many ways, sometimes technology compounds loneliness by replacing or reducing human interaction.
We are using tech to increase human connection and interaction, which is vital for wellbeing. We’re using tech for good.
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