

奢侈化妆品品牌 奢侈化妆品品牌前十名

世界顶级的化妆品是哪些牌子? 你好,我把世界十大化妆品排名及简介在这里给你介绍一下吧1.Guerlain (娇兰)娇兰于19世纪中叶创立,对于一家历史如此悠久的公司来讲,它所面临的永恒的挑战,就是既要保持传统风格又要勇于不断创新。 2.Lancome (兰蔻)1935年,Armand Petitjean创办的LANCOME,名称构想来自于法国中部的一座城堡LANCOSME。由于城堡的四周种满了玫瑰,充满浪漫意境,而Armand本人更认为每个女人就像玫瑰,各有其特色与姿态,就以城堡命名,玫瑰也就成了LANCOME的品牌标志,最早以香水起家的LANCOME,发展至今,已成为引导潮流的全方位化妆品牌。 3.Clarins(娇韵诗)娇韵诗成立于1954年,创办人克兰诗先生(Mr. Jacques COURTIN CLARINS)原本想当医生,但因为第二次世界大战爆发,他中断了医学院的课业,一直到战争结束后他才成为专门诊治脊椎病痛的医生。由于他的病人以女性为主,克兰诗发现除了身体病痛之外,大部分女病人都很不满意自己的肌肤状况,当时专业的护肤研究非常少,而克兰诗先生本身对植物精华的美容疗效非常感兴趣,他干脆在1954年在法国巴黎成立第一家美颜身体护肤中心(Clarins Beauty Institute),深入研究植物精华的功效以及“健康按摩手法”。 4.Elizabetharden 伊丽莎白 雅顿 伊莉莎伯雅顿是现代美容大师,并且是位居全球领导地位的知名化妆品及香水公司。雅顿公司成立于二十世纪初,是由一位充满梦想的化妆品女性企业家所创建;她的创意以及之后促使化妆品工业大众化的成就获得美国及全世界极高的赞赏与尊敬。5.Erno Laszlo (奥伦纳素)奥伦纳素于1927年由匈牙利皮肤学专家奥伦纳素博士创立,1939年在纽约曼哈顿建立护肤学会,通过明星、名流推广品牌,在欧美上流社会风靡了80多年,目前在全球有近千家零售店,都设在当地的高档商业区。 6.Estee Lauder ( 雅诗兰黛)雅诗兰黛公司创立于1946年,技术先进,不断创新,凭着其研发的各类精致优雅而又奢华的产品而享誉全球。历经广泛的研究以及一贯严格的产品测试,她旗下的所有产品都秉承最优水准的保证。所以,我们能带给您最温和也是最有效的产品。 7.Clinique (倩碧)六十年代后期,人们对肌肤的美丽的概念仅限于一句当时普遍崇隹的智理格言——“女性拥有的是与生为俱一成不变的肌肤。”直到有一天,一位杂志主编提出“女性应该正视她们的肌肤”的言论后,人们才开始惊觉,原来肌肤完美可以重塑。 8.Shiseido (资生堂)1872年,日本药剂师福原有信在东京银座创设了以“得风调剂局”命名的日本第一家西药店,这便是SHISEIDO的前身。 9.Christan Dior(迪奥)迪奥的名字“Dior”在法语中是“上帝”和“金子”的组合。以他的名字命名的品牌Christian Dior(简称),自1947年创始以来,一直是华丽与高雅的代名词。不论是时装、化妆品或是其他产品,CD在时尚殿堂一直雄踞顶端。 10.Chanel (香奈儿) 双C」已经成为一种时尚界的骄傲,也是这个地球上女人最想拥有的品牌!永远的香奈儿,香奈儿已经成为全球最知名的品牌;双C的经典LOGO将永远袭卷时尚流行、永不缺席。香奈儿夫人(GABRIELLE CHANEL)出生于1883年、逝世于1971年,COCO是她的小名,虽然她离开我们很久,但是其经典的风格一直是时尚界的鼻祖。她最钟爱用黑色与白色进行美丽的幻化,实现一种绝对的美感以及完美的和谐。她留下许多对流行的看法,成为引导这个时代流行的直接心灵导师,她认为美指的是内外皆美,虽然流行不断推陈出新,但是风格永远不会被淘汰。同时她深信“简单”是让美好质感呈现的最佳方式,她留下的经典设计包括:NO.5香水、斜纹软呢、双色鞋、黑色小洋装等等,经典的配件就是主张让女人双手空出来的皮革穿链带的手提包,她钟爱的山茶花也依旧绽放在绸缎的晚宴包浮雕花样里。
CBN Friday Special丨Is C-beauty brands getting a facelift amid consumer backlash of Japanese imports?

Chinese consumer sentiment towards Japanese products, notably cosmetics, is undergoing a dramatic shift recently due to rising safety concerns.

One of the main triggers for this change is Japan’s decision to release nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the Fukushima power station into the Pacific Ocean, 12 years after it was wrecked by an earthquake and tsunami, triggering fears about the safety of consumer products and foodstuffs from the country.

Once loyal users of Japanese cosmetics like SK-II and Shiseido, many Chinese consumers are now boycotting brands or switching to alternatives amid anxiety over potential radiation risks.

Hesitant in Japanese cosmetics purchase

Social media is a powerful barometer of public sentiment, and in China, platforms like Sina Weibo and Xiaohongshu have become hotbeds of discussion and debate about Japanese cosmetics. Numerous users have taken to these platforms to share “blacklists” of Japanese cosmetic brands, cautioning others to steer clear. Some even claimed that they had returned Japanese cosmetics they purchased.

A widely circulated list on Sina Weibo, for instance, flagged 31 major brands, including industry giants such as SK-II, Shiseido, and Muji, while opting for alternative brands. The volume of interaction on such topics runs into hundreds of millions of views, indicative of the depth of sentiment and the scale of participation.

Some consumers have asked customs authorities whether more inspections will be carried out on Japanese cosmetics. In response, the Shanghai Customs District said in June that authorities will step up nuclear radiation detection on products from Japan and take measures to prevent the import of products with levels of nuclear radiation that fail to meet standards.

The backlash has led many vendors and representatives of Japanese cosmetics and skincare brands, including Muji, Kao, and SK-II, to respond and address the concerns raised.

An employee at a high-end shopping mall, SKP, in Beijing remarked on the increasing number of clients raising product safety queries. They emphasized that while the cosmetics are made in Japan, they adhere to China’s stringent safety standards for imported goods.

Similarly, a representative from Shiseido, a renowned Japanese beauty brand, stressed the brand’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of product safety and quality.

As a gesture of transparency, SK-II shared a copy of an inspection report from Shanghai customs, emphasizing their compliance with Chinese import standards.

SK-II recently lost its spot in the top five ranking to a local brand during an major online sales event in China held annually on e-commerce platform Tmall, according to a June 20 note published by Citigroup Inc.

To put the significance of these developments into perspective, Japan, between 2019 and 2022, held the most substantial market share for cosmetics in China.

In 2022 alone, China’s imports of Japanese cosmetics stood at an impressive $4.16 billion, only second in terms of market share.

However, the cracks have started to show. Since May 2022, there has been a steady decline in Chinese imports of Japanese cosmetics. Imports sank 30% last month from a year earlier, after dropping 8.4% in June, data from China's customs authority showed.

Meanwhile, major cosmetics firm Shiseido saw its largest weekly stock plunge in nearly 10 months, with its shares down 6.8%. Its revenue from China accounts for 30% of the total. Shiseido’s local competitors including Pola Orbis and Kose also declined over 3%.

The boycott could be a “trigger for Chinese consumers to switch away from Japanese premium cosmetics brands,” an analyst for Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities said.

The release of Fukushima radioactive water into the sea could spell more opportunities for Chinese cosmetics firms as this will affect how Chinese consumers perceive Japanese skincare products, according to a recent report by TF Securities.

Opportunity for C-Beauty?

Chinese homegrown cosmetics brands are sending shockwaves through the domestic beauty industry as they begin to steal share from the foreign players – like Estée Lauder and Lancôme – that dominate the market.

Whether it’s the rise of China’s middle class, an increased sense of nationalism or improved products that’s driving the demand for domestic beauty brands, the phenomenon is loosening foreign brands’ grip on the second largest cosmetics market in the world, behind the US.

China’s beauty industry has undergone years of rapid growth and even managed to rebound strongly from the pandemic.

In recent years, Chinese beauty or C-beauty has attracted more attention. The signature C-beauty look – sharp eyebrows, lined eyes, royal red lips and a porcelain complexion – is more power woman than J-beauty and K-beauty’s doll-like looks – and has been gaining traction across social media.

Younger and savvier Chinese consumers are pushing beauty brands to innovate and show a willingness to embrace domestic brands over foreign competitors.

For one thing, Gen Z Chinese consumers are increasingly interested in traditional Chinese culture and style. This is sometimes referred to as guochao or China chic. They are often looking for ways to identify with their Chinese roots in a world dominated by Western aesthetics.

As a large spending group in China, Gen Zs are helping to drive the rise of C-beauty. According to one recent Tencent survey, 45% of “post-95” Chinese consumers regularly chose to purchase products infused with guochao elements. This outpaced “post-90s” consumers (38%) as well as “post-80s” shoppers (27%), indicating that the popularity of Chinese brands over the past couple of years is no flash in the pan.

Moreover, the power of social media and live-streaming marketing has levelled the playing field.

Chinese beauty influencers often build a community by sharing their daily beauty routines on Weibo, Xiaohongshu, and via live-streaming broadcasts on various social platforms. Opinion leaders are usually paid to promote certain products and are influential among younger people.

Online channels have also allowed upcoming homegrown brands – which can lack the financial resources to secure shelf space in traditional outlets – to sell beauty products directly to customers across the country. Around 73% of Chinese consumers buy cosmetic and skincare products on major e-commerce platforms, while sales through traditional brick-and-mortar channels have continued to decline, according to a research by iimedia.

Chinese skincare giants logged substantial profit growth in the first six months from the same time last year. Jahwa posted a 90.9% surge in first-half net profit to 301 million yuan, and Proya’s net profit surged 65% to 490 million yuan.

Sales of cosmetics in China climbed 4.8% in June from a year earlier to 45.1 billion yuan, halting a three-month slide, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics. And from January to June, cosmetics sales advanced 9.8% year on year to 207.1 billion yuan.

Despite C-beauty brands’ rapid product development and mastery of digitalization, China’s beauty market is still dominated by foreign brands, since Chinese consumer behavior has traditionally been heavily influenced by Western, Japanese and Korean cultures. This is especially true in the larger Chinese cities.

And unlike Japanese or Korean brands that have a distinctive lure, C-beauty brands need to find a long-term branding model to connect with consumers.

Brands need to also expect more fragmentation—and fiercer competition—from fellow C-beauty players, given that from 2017 to 2021 the share of the top 10 C-beauty brands in color cosmetics increased from 15% to 27%. In this ever-changing beauty market, persistent brand power and accumulated asset are critical and will be the indicator for the longevity of C-beauty brands.

The beauty market is dynamic, and homegrown Chinese brands – which have an edge over foreign brands in understanding consumer needs and local nuances – are increasing their market share day by day. It is still anybody’s guess if C-beauty brands can seize the opportunity and outstrip their foreign counterparts.



































奢侈化妆品品牌 奢侈化妆品品牌前十名(图1)

Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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