

squarely squarely和square的区别



Small talk is confounding: it's obligatory but must be casual. It's a frivolous interaction that may or may not be the initial part of a chain reaction that leads to deeper relationships. Too shallow and the reaction is never sparked. Too deep and the conversation is damned as awkward and inappropriate. But where is the line between small talk and genuine conversation?

When living abroad, your ability at small talk needs to be rebuilt from scratch,along with your knowledge of which topics and comments qualify as casual or intimate. It's not called an art for nothing.

For instance, in the U.S., directly asking a new acquaintance how much they paid for something is akin to a needle scratch (unless you preface the statement with an apology and the excuse that you're shopping around for the same item). In the Republic of Ireland, the U.K. and Japan,it's doubtful that even that qualifier would be enough to stymie the awkwardness. But in China, Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries with large Chinese descendant populations, money isn't tinged with the same shyness. A casual conversation on which neighborhood you live in can readily lead to the question of how much rent you pay. It's a question I still stumble to answer graciously.

On the other hand, while politics is considered a potentially treacherous topic in the U.S., discussions and even criticisms of the government's actions aren't nearly as uncomfortable as they are for Singaporeans or the Chinese. As far as I can tell though, no matter where you are in the world, sex remains squarely in the taboo category when it comes to casual conversation.

Even the eternally neutral topic of the weather can let you down. Small talk in Singapore only occasionally references it, as the equator doesn't offer much diversity, while it's almost a de rigueur conversation-starter in the changeable climates of the U.S. and Europe. Understanding the local varieties and nuances of small talk will make adapting to life in another country smoother, but it can be a challenge to shake the conversational parameters one was raised with.

The British, Irish and Australians have a history of laughing at themselves and teasing others, even in “serious” business scenarios, which can be startling for cultures who value “saving face.” In the U.S., chatty sales people are viewed as slippery; Americans appreciate a clear demarcation between casual conversation and shop talk, that moment when we “get down to business”separates from us enjoying each other's company. However, my potential clients in Singapore would be disconcerted if I implemented such an obvious tone shift; I would appear to be sweeping our budding friendship off the table to make room for money. In Chinese culture, nonbusiness talk is integral. Without it, the growth of a business relationship can be sluggish regardless of the efficacy of the collaboration. Several corporate dinners can go by before business particulars are even mentioned.

At its core, small talk is about meeting new people and planting the seed for new relationships. The challenge is to recognize when an acquaintance or colleague has become a friend. The topics you discuss with that person may be intensely personal for you but everyday conversation fodder for them.









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